Statement on Prudent Risk Management for Commercial Real Estate Lending

The Federal Reserve, the FDIC, and the OCC jointly issued this Statement to remind financial institutions of existing regulatory guidance on prudent risk management practices for commercial real estate (CRE) lending activity through economic cycles.  The NCUA was not part of the agencies that issued the statement, but may follow other agencies guidelines when conducting audits.

The Statement includes “Historical evidence demonstrates that financial institutions with weak risk management and high CRE credit concentrations are exposed to a greater risk of loss and failure. In general, financial institutions that succeeded during difficult economic cycles took the following actions, which are consistent with supervisory expectations:

  • established adequate and appropriate:
    • loan policies, underwriting standards, credit risk management practices, and concentration limits that were approved by the board or a designated committee;
    • lending strategies, such as plans to increase lending in a particular market or property type, limits for credit and other asset concentrations, and processes for assessing whether lending strategies and policies continued to be appropriate in light of changing market conditions; and
    • strategies to ensure capital adequacy and allowance for loan losses that supported an institution’s lending strategy and were consistent with the level and nature of inherent risk in the CRE portfolio.
  • conducted global cash flow analyses based on reasonable (not speculative) rental rates, sales projections, and operating expenses to ensure the borrower had sufficient repayment capacity to service all loan obligations.
  • performed market and scenario analyses of their CRE loan portfolio to quantify the potential impact of changing economic conditions on asset quality, earnings, and capital.
  • provided their boards and management with information to assess whether the lending strategy and policies continued to be appropriate in light of changes in market conditions.
  • assessed the ongoing ability of the borrower and the project to service all debt as loans converted from interest-only to amortizing payments or during periods of rising interest rates.
  • implemented procedures to monitor the potential volatility in the supply and demand for lots, retail and office space, and multi-family units during business cycles.
  • maintained management information systems that provided the board and management with sufficient information to identify, measure, monitor, and manage concentration risk.
  • implemented processes for reviewing appraisal reports for sufficient information to support an appropriate market value conclusion based on reasonable market rental rates, absorption periods, and expenses.

Credit unions should review their policies and practices related to CRE lending and should maintain risk management practices and capital levels commensurate with the level and nature of their CRE concentration risk. In particular, financial institutions should maintain underwriting discipline and exercise prudent risk management practices that identify, measure, monitor, and manage the risks arising from their CRE lending activity.

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