November’s Regulatory Recap is now available here. The Regulatory Recap contains new rules from the CFPB, HUD, and FTC, along with new guidance from the CFPB regarding deposit related fees.
As we are entering December, our auditors are busier than Santa’s elves working on wrapping up projects for our clients. This always seems to be our busy season, with institutions wanting to get reviews completed before the end of the year.
We do have a few openings in January. If you are looking for help in navigating the fair lending requirements, tying up your LARs for HMDA submission, or making sure your BSA program keeps you on Santa’s good list, contact us. We’re here to help!
From all of us at CSG, we wish you the best of the holiday season and a prosperous new year.
Please be advised that CSG provides financial services compliance audit and consulting services to our clients. The services that we provide include certain tasks that may be characterized as “law-related services” under Rule 5.7 of the Rules of Professional Conduct governing lawyers. Since some of our employees are lawyers with an active bar license but are NOT engaged in the private practice of law, that Rule requires us to make disclosures clarifying that the services we perform may be law-related services, but they are not legal services. Because they are not legal services, those services and our relationship will not be governed by the Rules of Professional Conduct that guide the client-lawyer relationship, such as rules applicable to privileged communications and prohibitions of conflicts of interest. Notwithstanding this disclaimer, we will continue to govern our relationship with you using reasonable ethical and professional standards that are expected to meet your expectations.