If it’s free, it’s me…
The NCUA announced that it will host a Cybersecurity Risk Webinar on May 12th, at 11:00 PST. The webinar is free.
From the NCUA:
Tim Segerson, Deputy Director of NCUA’s Office of Examination and Insurance, and William Myers, Director of NCUA’s Office of Small Credit Union Initiatives, will provide an overview of cybersecurity risks affecting small credit unions. Topics will include:
- How small credit unions can prepare for, or recover from, a cybersecurity event;
- How to use the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s cybersecurity assessment tool;
- How to balance the impact associated with fraud risk and fraud prevention; and
- How to avoid or minimize cyber security vulnerabilities in products and services.
Online registration for this 90-minute webinar is now open here. Participants will use this same link to log into the webinar. Registrants should allow pop-ups from this website. There is no charge for the webinar.
Participants may submit questions in advance at WebinarQuestions@ncua.gov. The subject line of the email should read, “Cybersecurity: What Can You Do?” Participants with technical questions about accessing the webinar may email audience.support@on24.com. This webinar will be closed captioned and then archived online here approximately three weeks following the live event.
Since cybersecurity is on both the NCUA’s and DFI’s audit plans this year, it may be beneficial to sign up for the webinar. See our previous blogs on cybersecurity at: https://complianceservicesgroup.com/cybersecurity-resources/, https://complianceservicesgroup.com/dcu-2016-exam-focus/, https://complianceservicesgroup.com/2016-ncua-examination-focus/