In November, the US Postal Service in Portland issued a directive warning that it is illegal to mail advertisements about buying or selling marijuana. While they cannot refuse the mailing, they will report it to law enforcement agencies. USC 843(c) deems it unlawful to place an ad in any publication with the purpose of seeking or offering illegally to receive, buy, or distribute a Schedule I controlled substance. Whether the Postal Service will extend this to ancillary advertising, such as bank accounts, is yet to be seen. The same Code prohibits billboard advertising of the sale of marijuana, but I pass four billboards advertising it on my way home every night.
Rambling on, in December of 2014, Oklahoma and Nebraska sued the state of Colorado to overturn its recreational marijuana law. This has battled back and forth in the courts for the past year. Next month, the Supreme Court will decide whether to take up the case. Colorado’s (and Washington, Oregon and DC) laws contradict federal law on the use of marijuana. We will have to see what happens when the smoke clears. I wonder how Colorado citizens answer the usual loan application question “Are you party in a lawsuit?”