The FDIC provides a Money Smart Alliance program, which is a network for financial institutions, nonprofits, and governmental organizations that can use the FDIC’s financial education curriculum to provide training to consumers, small businesses and others.
The Money Smart Alliance program is a comprehensive financial education curriculum designed to help low- and moderate-income individuals outside the financial mainstream enhance their financial skills and create positive banking relationships. Money Smart has reached over 3 million consumers since 2001. Research shows that the curriculum can positively influence how consumers manage their finances, and these changes are sustainable in the months after the training.
The program provides a number of training resources for consumers of all ages, from pre-K to older adults. And, it’s all free.
Credit unions, along with all other federally insured financial institutions, can join the Money Smart Alliance here. The FDIC will be holding an introductory webinar on February 28, 2017.