Audit Services
Audit Menu
ACH Audit
Compliance Management System Review
Electronic Fund Transfers Act (Regulation E)
Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)
Escrow Compliance Review
Expedited Funds Availability Act (Regulation CC)
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (Regulation F)
Fair Credit Reporting Act (Regulation V)
✓ Full Audit
✓ Furnisher Duties Review
Fair Lending Compliance Review
Flood Insurance/Flood Disaster Protection Act
Garnishment of Accounts with Federal Benefits Review
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (Regulation C)
✓ Full Audit
✓ Limited LAR Review
IOLTA Compliance Review
Military Lending Act Audit
Overdraft Program Review
Privacy and Identity Theft Red Flag Guidelines Compliance
Real Estate Appraisal Review
SAFE Act Compliance Audit (Regulation G)
Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act Audit
Truth in Lending Advertising Review
Truth in Savings
✓ Regulation DD
✓ NCUA Rules & Regulations Part 707
Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (Regulation GG)
Vendor Management Review
Website Compliance, including ADA, Review
Services for State-chartered Trust Companies
Fiduciary Audit
BSA/AML Compliance
The following services are comprehensive reviews that include the assessment and testing of multiple areas
Deposit Compliance Review
✓ Electronic Fund Transfers Act
✓ Expedited Funds Availability Act
✓ Fair Credit Reporting Act
✓ Reserve Requirements of Depository Institutions
✓ Truth-in-Savings Act
✓ Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act
Loan Compliance Review
✓ Truth-in-Lending Act (Regulation Z), including TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) requirements
o Consumer-purpose Installment Loans
o Construction Loans
o Private Mortgage Insurance
o Adjustable-Rate Mortgages
o Credit Cards
o Home Equity Lines of Credit
o Other Lines of Credit
✓ Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)
✓ Fair Credit Reporting Act
✓ Fair Housing Act
✓ Flood Disaster Protection Act
✓ Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)
✓ Homeowners Protection Act (HOPA)
✓ Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA)
✓ Housing and Urban Development Act (Home Ownership Counseling Notice)
✓ Private Mortgage Insurance Act
✓ Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
✓ Limited scope (review of policies and procedures)
o SAFE Act
o Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
o Military Lending Act
o FACT Act
Mortgage Servicing Review
✓ Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
✓ Truth in Lending Act
✓ Flood Insurance Requirements
✓ Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
✓ Homeowners Protection Act
✓ Limited scope (policies and procedures)
o Fair Credit Reporting Act
o Servicemembers Civil Relief Act